Monday 27 August 2012

Banner Comp :)

I Love to change my blog around, dunno why :D
So i decided to do a banner competition, who can make me the best banner :)
But here are the Rules:
1. They Must Be Themed, You Can Try And Make Me A Background To But It doesn't matter if you don't. 
2.You decide the theme, don't copy any of the themes iv'e done, Be creative.
3. You may ask for things i like and suff but be warned, don't make it Tomato themed because you will not win :D
4. Any theme you like, doesn't matter :)
5. I Guess that's it really Enjoy :)
Well i don't know about prizes, the winner will be put on my blog (duh) :D 
I'm skint so i don't think wishy's could be but i'll think of summin :D
So that's it, MAIL ME On msp if your entering...
Until Next Time...

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