Friday 17 August 2012


Times are tough noa aren't they :(
Meggie's Quitting :O (Megan Barr btw)
And I know loadsa people are thinking of it :L
You know like daisy was gunna, Rocky nearlly did :(
It just stinks >.<
And apparently (Not naming name's) I'm no longer though of as a bff...
It's like, now since i've made loadsa New friends, the other friends are just leaving me :l
Until Next Time...


  1. No no no no no, just no... I'm not "leaving you". I'm just quitting for a while, because I keep getting quite depressed and MSP isn't the place for me rn. Details will be posted on my blog ASAP, ok? :(

  2. No no no no no, Not you ;D
    I suppose i get what you mean though ;)
